If you are considering breast augmentation with implants, you may have heard some buzz about the latest — and possibly greatest — option in the breast implant category — the highly cohesive gel or “gummy bear” breast implant
Gummy bear implants are made of a highly cohesive, form-stable silicone gel. Compared with the currently available silicone gel implants, the silicone particles in the gummy bear implants are more cross-linked, so the material bands together more closely. This “form-stable” quality is where some of the advantages of gummy bear implants come into play.
Any errant gel from the currently available silicone gel implants can migrate and may cause local problems such as scarring and granulomas (small areas of inflammation in tissue). If saline-filled implants rupture, they release only salt water into the body. This is good from a safety perspective, but saline implants do not feel as natural as silicone gel implants.
Here's where gummy bears shine. If you cut a gummy bear implant in half, the gel stays put. As a result, there is minimal risk of gel migration. If the implant shell ruptures (and they can), the gel should stay in one place. This puts them on par with saline when it comes to rupture (a safety plus), but with the feel of natural breast tissue (a cosmetic plus).
According to some experts, the new cohesive gel implants may also pose a lower risk of capsular contracture (scar tissue around the breast implant). Exactly why this occurs, and if it proves to be true in the long run, is unknown, but it may be a result of how firm the new implants are.
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