Breast Implant Sales, Coupons, Deals Specials?
What is wrong with this picture?? Now we are shopping for surgery sales by coupon websites?? has the world gone crazy?? Who knows.
I received an e-mail this morning with my daily junk mail, from the world famous Groupon website. HALF PRICE BOOBS?????
How can this be?
People are now shopping for the CHEAPEST surgeons by coupon?
Is this normal for most educated consumers?? I think not.
The first thing I did, as any educated consumer would, was to "analyze" the deal(not that I am shopping for implants).
Upon inspection of the price differences (half versus full price), I then proceeded to the terms of the deal. First of all, was the actual product(implant) being used. Starting off strong with a five year warranty on the implants themselves, but with a recommendation that implants be changed every 10 years.
Shouldn't the implants last at least as long as the recommended change period? I certainly would think so. I know there are other implants available that have a Lifetime or until changed policy of warranty. I found that out by a simple internet search.
Then we move on to a mandatory insurance policy only at that clinic, for an additional $200. (eating into the savings part).
The other "not includeds" don't bother me as much. So, now I wonder. If I am paying half as much , but they are only guaranteed for half the term, did I save money?
Did I put myself at risk for a second operation at my own cost somewhere down the line? Did I save anything at all?
Probably the most important thing missing here is....... How to shop for surgery.
By coupon? or reputation. I was so busy checking the deal I completely forgot about checking qualifications of the surgeon, the clinic, or patient testimonials.
Dont fall into this trap.
If you are reading this, it tells me that you are an educated consumer, you know how to nagivate the internet, and are smart enough to know what you are reading.
Look at our statistics, read out patient comments and recommendations. Speak with our doctors, we encourage questions, and feel it is our obligation to educate all of our clients, prior to becoming patients. Call or write. As we always say.....Come to Peru and return a new you!!