In a major study published by the American Association for Plastic Surgery, which asked almost 1000 liposuction patients to see what their thoughts were. Almost 80% were more than satisfied with the results. In comments ranging from "Happy with my new self", to "A real boost in my self confidence", almost all patients had no regrets. Most people who have these procedures done, were trying to remove areas of fat stubborn to all other methods, such as diet, exercise and the like. Liposuction is not a weight loss method, but rather a body sculpting or trimming process, whereby you can regain your old shape, or create a totally new one. Everyone is built differently, and therefore have specific concerns about their own bodies. For some, it is just a matter of trimming their waistline so that clothes fit better, for others, it can be a particular embarrassment while wearing tight fitting clothes or a bathing suit. Whatever your concerns are, it is easily handled. We can remove your "Muffin top waist", sculpt a more perfect butt and thigh contour, or reduce that flabby middle left by a pregnancy. Call or write for a consultation that will mark a new chapter for you