photo credit above from right. Dra Giuliana Arroyo Goldstein(Peru), Dr Giorgio Fischer(Italy), Dr Pierre Fournier(France) Dr Alain Tenenbaum(Switzerland), Andrew Goldstein (USA) at 54 world congress of Cosmetic Surgery, Buenos Aires Argentina
There are some things that are OK to shop for a cheaper price, such as laundry detergent, paper products, or other consumables. But what about Cosmetic Surgery? How is it possible to find so many variations in pricing for a similar procedure?
Consumers are always looking for ways to save money, and that's fine, but not when you put your life at risk for the sake of saving money.
When you need new brakes on your car, would you like to save $10 and buy some no name imports from China, or full price for domestics, made for your car?(less than 10% difference of the total bill).
If, you were told that you needed heart surgery in order to save your life, would you look for the cheapest Heart Surgeon, or the Best Heart Surgeon available?
So why do people insist on putting their life at risk when choosing surgeons for Cosmetic Surgery? Do they actually think that it is not as important? Is it possible that it is not as risky? My, oh my how wrong can they be.
In the past few weeks, I have had contacts from patients who have regretted their choices in cheap Surgeries from other Doctors, patients who have had a relative die because of the bad choices of another Doctor, and have seen several different news articles of patients that have died during what should have been simple procedures, but at the hands of negligent or over-anxious Surgeons.
What is going on here? I was always under the impression that Liposuction was the safest procedure, so safe it could be performed by any qualified surgeon, but it is not that simple. Yes, it is true, that according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, When performed by a board certified dermatologic surgeon, tumescent liposuction using local anesthesia is a remarkably safe procedure with few significant side effects.
There are three points to be mentioned regarding all Liposuction procedures, and they are as follows:
Doctors performing Liposuction should avoid
Extracting excessively large amounts of fat (maximum of 5 liters in a single session)
Performing multiple surgeries in addition to the Liposuction
Using General Anesthesia, or a combination of Local/General Anesthesia.
Following these protocols, as a general rule of thumb is great, but a more qualified Surgeon, one who has specialized in this procedure, can refine those points to perfection. How about over 30 years experience, and over 30,000 safe patient procedures?
Experience speaks volumes. That is why people come to us from all over the world. Not to save money, but for safety, security, and fantastic results.
Now, how can Doctors, and Clinics cheapen the prices to rock bottom lows? Simple. Sub-Par, all the way. From Doctors who do not attend world wide functions to hone their skills, and learn new techniques, to old, out dated equipment, to under skilled staff, to generic and possible dangerous medications, and much more. You can start to see how much money can be saved by cutting corners, and every one of those bad choices will affect patient safety.
You may see a great web page, the facade of the clinic, fancy cars and houses, but you can not see what harm can come from cheap surgeons.
Experience costs money, equipment costs money, investing in medical staff can cost years worth of salaries before there is a return on investment. There is no room for economy in Surgery.
Patients, who insist on multiple surgeries in the same day, and Doctors who oblige are not following proper protocols for patient safety. It costs more for multiple entries to the surgery room, sure it does, but you will not put the patient at risk, plain and simple. Lowering prices, to accept a patients budget, as opposed to charging what is fair and acceptable, means that sacrifices need to be made, and spending less per patient is not advised. It becomes the link in a chain reaction of cheap choices with possible deadly consequences.
Another area of concern, is proper screening using a thorough medical history of the patient. There are many indicators of an at risk patient. Not all are candidates for elective cosmetic surgery. There are also ways to manage a particular patients risk factors should they have them, and still wish to proceed. Thorough
Laboratory Blood Testing, Cardiac Screening, Medical Internists on staff, are all indicators of what any prospective patient should go through. They also all cost money. Short cuts here will definitely put your life in DANGER!!!! Run, don't walk if these things are not available to you.
In summary, everything worthwhile comes with a price. This is one area, that if you can afford to do it right, by all means go for it. If it is beyond your reach right now, maybe you just need to wait a little while, and save some more money, in order to have it done correctly.
Cosmetic Surgery can have positive life changing effects on most people who want changes to their appearance.
Schedule your consultation with us, and be the person you deserve to be, spoil yourself a little, the rewards are amazing. Click on either link below for more information
Clinicas Arroyo Peru
Clinica Arroyo Hombre